Alabama World Language Association

The mission of the Alabama World Languages Association is to motivate educators to contribute to
and to advocate for improved world language education for all students at all levels.

Here you will find links for organizations at the national, regional, state, and local level.  If a link is broken, or we need to add other organizations, please contact webmaster.



IALLT - International Association for Language Technology 


AATA - American Association of Teachers of Arabic 

AATF - American Association of Teachers of French

AATG - American Association of Teachers of German

AATI - American Association of Teachers of Italian

AATJ - American Association of Teachers of Japanese

AATK - American Association of Teachers of Korean

AATSEEL - American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages

AATSP - American Association of Teachers of Spanish & Portuguese

AATT - American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages

ACL - American Classical League

ACTFL - American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

ACTR - American Council of Teachers of Russian

ALTA - African Languages Teachers Association

ASLTA - American Sign Language Teachers Association

CAHSEE - Center for the Advancement of Hispanics in Science & Engineering Education

CAL - Center for Applied Linguistics

CLTA - Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA

CNC - Cuban American National Council

HACU - Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities

HAF - Hispanic Access Foundation

HEC - Hispanic Education Coalition

Hispanic Federation

IRDA - Intercultural Development Research Association

JNCL-NCLIS - Joint National Committee for Languages / National Council for      Languages and International Studies

KLTA-USA - K-12 Korean Language Teachers Association USA

LULAC - League of United Latin American Citizens

MAES - Latinos in Science & Engineering

MALDEF - Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund

MGLTA - Modern Greek Language Teachers Association

NADSFL - National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages

NAHET - National Association of Hebrew Teachers in North America

NCLC - National Chinese Language Conference

NCLG - National Committee for Latin and Greek

NCSSFL - National Council of State Supervisors of Foreign Languages

NEALRC - National East Asian Languages Resource Center

NHLA - National Hispanic Leadership Agenda

NJCJ - National Junior Classical League

NNELL - National Network for Early Language Learning

NOBLE - Network of Business Language Educators

PRLDEF - Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund

SACNAS - Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science

SCS - Society for Classical Studies

TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages


CAAS - Classical Association of the Atlantic States & Classical World

CAMWS - Classical Association of the Middle West and South

CANE - Classical Association of New England

CARLA - Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition

CSCTFL - Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

GWATFL - Greater Washington Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages

NECTFL - Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

PNCFL - Pacific Northwest Council for Languages

SCOLT - Southern Conference on Language Teaching

SEALLT - Southeast Association for Language Learning Technology

SWCOLT - Southwest Conference on Language Teaching


Alabama World Language Association (AWLA)

Alaskans for Language Acquisition (AFLAA)

Arizona for Language Association (AZLA)

Arkansas Foreign Language Teachers Association (AFLTA)
California Language Teachers' Association  (CLTA)
Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT)
Connecticut Council of Language Teachers (CTCOLT)
Delaware Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (DECTFL)
Foreign Language Association of Georgia (FLAG)
Hawai'i Association of Language Teachers (HALT)
Idaho Association of Teachers of Language & Culture (IATLC)
Illinois Council on the teaching of Foreign Languages (ICTFL)
Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association (IFLTA)
Iowa World Language Association (IWLA)
Kansas World Language Association (KSWLA)
Kentucky World Language Association (KWLA)
Louisiana Foreign Language Teachers' Association (LFLTA)

    Foreign Language Association of Maine (FLAME)
    Maryland Foreign Language Association (MFLA)
    Massachusetts Foreign Language Association (MaFLA)
    Michigan World Language Association (MIWLA)
    Minnesota Council on the Teaching of Languages & Cultures (MCTLC)
    Mississippi Foreign Language Association (MSFLA)
    Foreign Language Association of Missouri (FLAM)
    Montana Association of Language Teachers (MALT)
    Nebraska International Languages Association (NILA)

    Professional Language Association of Nevada (PLAN)
    New Hampshire Association of World Language Teachers (NHAWLT)
    Foreign Language Association of New Jersey (FLENJ)
    New Mexico Organization of Language Educators (NMOLE)
    New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers (NYSAFLT)
    Foreign Language Association of North Carolina (FLANC)

    Foreign Language Association of North Dakota (FLAND)
    Ohio Foreign Language Association (OFLA)

    Oklahoma Foreign Language Teachers' Association (OFLTA)
    Confederation in Oregon for Language Teaching (COFLT)
    Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association (PSMLA)
    Rhode Island Foreign Language Association (RIFLA)
    South Carolina Foreign Language Teachers' Association (SCFLTA)
    South Dakota World Languages Association (SDWLA)

    Tennessee Foreign Language Teaching Association (TFLTA)

    Texas Foreign Language Association (TFLA)
    Utah Foreign Language Association (UFLA)
    Vermont Foreign Language Association (VFLA)
    Foreign Language Association of Virginia (FLAVA)
    Washington Association for Language Teaching (WAFLT)
    West Virginia Foreign Language Teachers Association (WVFLTA)
    Wisconsin Association for Language Teachers (WALT)

    Wyoming Association of Language Teachers (WFLTA)

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