The mission of the Alabama World Languages Association is to motivate educators to contribute to
and to advocate for improved world language education for all students at all levels.
In 2013, The Alabama World Languages Education Foundation was incorporated as an Alabama Nonprofit Corporation, and in September 2014 the IRS approved AWLEF as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charitable organization. All donations made to AWLEF are tax deductible. AWLA transferred operation of the JoAnna Crane Scholarship and the WILD program to the AWLEF Board. AWLEF is also working to develop an immersion program for FL teachers as well.
The JoAnna B. Crane Scholarship Fund
JoAnna Crane served Alabama students from her early years teaching French, History and English at Sidney Lanier High School in Montgomery to chairing the Foreign Language Department at Robert E. Lee High School. She was with the State Department of Education, primarily as Foreign Language Specialist and Curriculum Development Specialist for 36 years.
When Joanna Crane was recognized by ACTFL in 1999 with the Florence Steiner Award for Leadership in Foreign Language Education: K-12, she once again proved her dedication to and love for Foreign Language education in Alabama by contributing a portion of her award to establish a scholarship which has now been named in her honor. The scholarship is for any current or pre-service foreign language teacher who wishes to improve his/her language skills and cultural knowledge by studying abroad. Apply for the scholarship here:
Deadline to apply is March 15, 2024.