We are excited for the SIXTH YEAR to welcome, first-year language teachers for recognition by The N.E.W.B.I.E. (New Educator Welcome Box Initiative Experience) Project. Research tells us that most new teachers quit within the first 5 years of teaching because they are not provided with proper support.
AWLEF/AATSP along with our partnership with ICTFL would like to provide support for new (first year) World Language teachers. If you know of any new world language teachers or professors, please complete this form so that we can welcome them and let them know that resources and support are available during the school year. We will send a FREE welcome box filled with goodies and supplies along with information about AWLEF/ICTFL and our affiliate organizations and programs.
Thank you for your help in supporting this initiative and these new teachers.
For more information go to the N.E.W.B.I.E. website.